Tad Talks: Dido Janes, PR at Trinny London

We met with Dido Janes, PR assistant at Trinny London and earring lover, to talk jewellery and how she got her foot in the door. As a makeup lover, PR superstar and jewellery magpie, Dido is a woman we want to know.
The Daily
First thing you do in the morning?
I hate to say it but the first thing I do in the morning is check my emails…
What motivates you daily?
Not to be cliche but happiness. There is no point if you're not happy. And you should never do anything if it doesn’t make you happy.
The Work
How did you get to work for Trinny London?
Trinny is actually a family friend, so I had been hearing about the wonders of TRINNY LONDON long before I started working there.
I sometimes feel embarrassed by telling people that I got the job through a friend of my parents, but I have learnt it's not how the door opened but what you do once you’re through the door. If anything, you need to prove yourself more!
What's the best piece of advice that you have been given?
Half the things you worry about never happen. Put your sassiest pair of hoops on and go for it.
What advice would you give to people wanting to get into PR?
Do it! It's such a fun industry to work in and it is hugely rewarding. Be prepared to work hard though!
What is the best lesson you have learnt so far?
Not to take anything personally.
The Jewels
What is your favourite piece of Tada & Toy?
I WANT EVERYTHING!! The star hoop earrings are a particular favourite though.
What is your most treasured piece of jewellery?
I am a sucker for jewellery and take the view that if in doubt, more! But my signet ring and my gold chain necklace would have to be my most treasured ride or die pieces. I never take either off! I got both for my 21st birthday, the ring from my parents and the necklace from my Grandma.
If you could access anyone’s jewellery collection – dead or alive who would it be?
Princess Diana. I bet the Royal family have one hell of a collection.
The Tips
Favourite London Restaurant?
I really like the Fox and the Pheasant at the moment. It's got a real country pub feel and is delicious for a Sunday roast.
Favourite Travel Destination?
I went to Lisbon this year, and totally fell in love. There are very few places I go and could see myself living, but Lisbon was definitely one of them. The food, the culture, the people, everything.
Favourite Instagram Accounts?
@bartdanzig @trinnywoodall (ovs!) @laurajackson @mackie_bella @emelinaah
We loved speaking with Dido and hearing her thoughts on everything from royal jewels to her can't live without makeup product. If you haven't yet make sure you head to Trinny London to stockpile their amazing shades of makeup.
@didojaness @trinnylondon