Tad Talks: Mai, Ceramicist & Yogi

We met with Mai Izumitani, our favourite ceramicist and maker of the Tada & Toy trinket dish to talk de-stressing in 2021 and what's next for Maizu. Mai is a woman we want to know!
The Tips
First thing you do in the morning?
I drink an abnormally large mug of matcha latte.
What's your top de-stressing tip?
I think it's important for anyone to carve out a little ‘me time’ and consciously step away from responsibilities, where time can unfold naturally to give our mind and body the chance to recalibrate and rebalance so we can feel stable and calm enough through stressful situations.
What's the best piece of advice you have been given?
“Learning how to fail from life is learning how to succeed better” – as said by the goddess that is Elizabeth Day in her How to Fail podcast series but also something my dad often implemented in me growing up.
What is the best lesson you have learnt so far?
“There are no rules, just tools.”
The Work
How did you get started as a ceramicist?
I explored many different fields within art and design to fulfill this urge to express my creativity I had developed from a young age. After university, I began working in fashion but quickly realised this restless industry didn’t support my need for slower-paced living. I eventually took on weekend pottery classes and haven’t looked back ever since.
What motivates you daily?
Though it sounds a little cliché, a meditative moment to myself knowing that I get do to the things I love as a living is enough to keep me smiling through the dullest of days.
What's next for you and for Maizu Studios?
When I’m not throwing on the wheel, I teach yoga throughout the week. While both ceramics and yoga are wildly different, they work perfectly in harmony which I hope can intertwine and become the synergy that defines Maizu one day!
The Jewels
What is your most treasured piece of jewellery?
My grandmother’s gold watch she gave me before she passed as a token of time passed down over time.
If you could access anyone’s jewellery collection – dead or alive who would it be?
Connell’s chain from Normal People.
What is your favourite piece of Tada & Toy?
I love how unique the Angel wing chain is in the way it joins two piercings into one. Another one of my favourites at the moment is the Star Cuff too – a playful yet elegant piece to adorn the ear with some Christmas cheer!
Next piercing?
Favourite Instagram accounts to follow?
@phoebe.greenacre @soyouwanttotalkabout @jordanrisa @okdeon @self.practice
We loved speaking with Mai and hearing her thoughts on daily motivation and how to stay calm. Head over to to her instagram to get your inspiration fix now.