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      Tad Talks: Marine Conservation Society

      Tad Talks: Marine Conservation Society

      To celebrate the launch of our latest charity collection raising money for marine conservation, we sat down with The Marine Conservation Society to learn about what we could all be doing to help save our seas and marine life.

      The Marine Conservation Society

      The Marine Conservation Society is a UK charity, fighting for a cleaner, better protected, healthier ocean; for the sake of our wildlife, our climate and our own wellbeing.

      With the help of community supporters, volunteers and ocean experts, the MCS are protecting marine life and combating the climate crisis through campaigning, beach cleans, education and awareness and practical conservation activities.

      MCS Work

      A 55% drop in plastic bags on UK beaches since the 5p charges (which they campaigned for) were introduced in 2011.

      In 2019 businesses that used their Good Fish Guide to inform their sourcing supplied over 20% of the UK’s seafood. That’s around 760 million seafood meals!

      Their volunteer divers spent 100 hours underwater in 2019/20 recording species and changes in habitats.

      How we can help

      Ocean Friendly Living

      By ensuring that we make informed decisions about what we consume and what we do with our waste, and how we treat our coast, we can ensure that our ocean is looked after for future generations.

      Let's take time to consider how we can respect and protect our ocean and invest in our future health and happiness by:

      • Reducing our plastic footprint
      • Making informed decisions when eating seafood - you can use their Good Fish Guide to help you!

      Beach Cleans

      Become a MCS BeachWatch Volunteer! Their beach cleans are a little bit different - they clean and survey the litter found at the beach. The data you help to collect is hugely important as it helps them track litter back to source, and enables them to campaign for change.

      Wildlife Sightings

      Your sightings provide vital information about our ocean visitors and contributes to scientific research which finds solutions to protect our seas. MCS want to hear about the wildlife you spot at the coast and at sea, especially marine turtles and jellyfish in UK and Irish waters.

      Your sightings provide vital information about our ocean visitors and contributes to scientific research which finds solutions to protect our seas. you can report your sightings via the MCS website!