Tad Talks: Rose Mann, Farm Girl Co-Founder

We sat down with Rose Mann, co-founder of the most Instagrammed cafe in London, Farm Girl, to discuss what motivates her and the important lessons she has learnt along the way. Farm Girl cafes can now be found in three central London locations and have gained a cult following for their trademark organic delicious brunches and photogenic decor. Tada & Toy has long been a regular of the Notting Hill branch and couldn't wait to find out what makes Rose tick.
The Daily
First thing you do in the morning?
First thing I always have to do is let the dogs out. I then have lemon and hot water or celery juice. All my health routines are in the morning the rest of the day is pretty balanced.
What motivates you everyday?
My boyfriend, Anthony who I live and work with. My customers and my family.
The Work
How did you choose the name Farm Girl?
I grew up on a farm in Australia. It was originally going to be called 'The Farmer's Daughter' and I wanted to shorten it and make it a little more fun. When I originally put the name into my business plan, everyone hated the name and thought it was ridiculous. It was only Anthony who loved it.
What are the biggest lessons that you have learnt?
Relax, delegate and trust. In the beginning I was so anxious and extremely worried that delegating meant something wasn't being done correctly. Letting that go has really helped. Now every time I get a bad review or complaint, I won't try to change the concept to fit that complaint. It's learning that your not going to please everyone. It's not necessarily about the cafe but it could be about the person's mood on the day.
Career Highlights?
Going on BBC Live television to talk on the world news about the food trends of 2018. Another real high was when Nigella Lawson found us on Instagram then came into cafe just after we opened. She did a whole feature on our pancakes!
The Jewels
What is your favourite piece of Tada & Toy?
The Sweetheart Hoops and Diamond Studs.
What is your most treasured piece of jewellery?
My grandmother on my father's side died when I was young and left me a coral necklace that is beautiful. I remember as a child it was always locked away in my father's desk with my name written on the box. I would often steal the key to peek at it. I was given it when I was 18.
If you could access anyone’s jewellery collection – dead or alive who would it be?
Grace Kelly and Sabine Getty.
The Tips
Favourite London Restaurant?
La Petite Maison because I love French/Italian food. Also, Gloria recently opened in Shoreditch. Really cool interiors, great vibe and delicious Italian food. A big open kitchen with a DJ in the centre.
Favourite Travel Destination?
Val D'Isère for its fresh mountain air and the restful feeling. Mustique for its casual Caribbean beach vibe. The island has the most incredible healthy food, they even press their own olive and avocado oil.
Talking with Rose has us dreaming of the Caribbean and remembering when to let go. We can't recommend her cafes enough, if you find your self in central London make sure you pay them a visit. Even if it's just for the prettiest oat milk flat white of your life.